Sunday, March 13, 2011

Lybian Protests Continue

The Libyan protests and fighting have gone on for almost one month now.  At this point there seems to be no end in sight.  Rebels are taking over various parts of the country, while the government-backed militia is fighting to regain control of the country and have also gained control of various other parts of the country. Other parts are still being fought over and their control is still unknown. As of March 6th, there is word that the fighting might become a civil war between the citizens and the government-backed militia. 
President Gaddafi has continued to refuse to step down and is denying his involvement in any of the attacks against his people, yet there is no proof of Gaddafi trying to stop the attacks on his people.  Gaddafi is continuing to claim the only reason his people are uprising against him is because of Al-Qaeda poising his people with pills and other drugs.  Gaddafi also claims that other countries only want control of his country for the oil and would in turn enslave his people, once they have control over his country.
Presidents of countries, including the U.S.A., are continuing to condemn Gaddafi for his refusal to stop the attacks on his people.  Counties are also freezing assets to the President and others of his inner circle.  There is also talks of a placing a possible no-fly zone on Libya.
Gaddafi must first stop the attacks against his people.  He must show proof that he wants the fighting to end, by at least opening talks with opposition leaders or step down and allow a new government to take hold of the country. Gaddafi must also take note of the actions by former presidents of other countries and begin the work of trying to end the unrest in his country before it is too late.

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